Home / Grants
  • Bell Bay Aluminium Community Grants

    Bell Bay Aluminium runs an annual grant program, offering assistance to community groups and organisations across Tasmania. Community organisations based in Tasmania can apply to help fund projects across the state that will have a significant positive impact on local communities.
    Grant amount: up to $3,000
    Applications close: 11 Sep 2024
  • Schools Plus – Partnership Opportunities

    The Single Year Partnership opportunity is for short-term projects (over one year) that aim to improve outcomes for children and young people in specific subject areas or address specific challenges for targeted groups. These might be short-term focused but have significant impact within this timeframe. For schools with an ICSEA of less than 1000 Funding for Single-Year partnerships: – Up to $30,000 for an individual school project – Up to $60,000 for projects by a cluster of schools (must be an existing cluster).
    Grant amount: up to $30,000 or $60,000
    Applications close: 9 Sep 2024
  • Stephanie Alexander – National Kitchen Garden Awards

    Not a grant but a competition… There are 9 categories, with a prize pack valued at $5000 for each category. Entries are open to primary schools and secondary schools who either run a Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program or dream of joining the program to support their existing kitchen or garden learning. You can enter more than one category by answering a question about your project in 200 words or less to go into the running. Images are optional.
    Grant amount: 9x$5000 (prize)
    Applications close: 12 Aug 2024
  • TasNetworks – Community Grants Program

    TasNetworks Community Grants Program For building community resilience or alleviating cost of living pressures.
    Grant amount: up to $10,000
    Applications close: 30 Jun 2024
  • Strengthening Rural Communities – Small & Vital

    Strengthening Rural Communities – Small & Vital – Gives small remote, rural and regional communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds for a broad range of initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities. Projects funded must align with one or more of the following charitable outcomes: – Bringing people and community organisations together to foster stronger, more resilient communities – Improving community health and social wellbeing – Building a sustainable volunteer base and/or supporting the wellbeing of volunteers – Celebrating and resourcing volunteer-led efforts – Enhancing places where communities gather Full list available on the website. For small communities with population fewer than 15,000. School Associations with an ABN are eligible to apply.
    Grant amount: up to $10,000
    Applications close: 5 Sep 2024
  • Community Grant

    Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants Program aim to contribute to the success, vibrancy and wellbeing of rural and regional communities nationwide. School Associations with an ABN are eligible to apply.
    Grant amount: up to $5,000
    Applications close: 8 Aug 2024